Well, all this frigid Atlanta weather lately has me yearning for the days of my summer vaca. It has me reminiscing about the warm sun and sandy beaches of Panama City, Florida, where my family and I (along with my boyfriend, Brian) went to spend a lovely few days by the sea. Let's take it back to those oh-so fun times...
Upon arrival, the first thing we did was put on our bathing suits and head straight to the beach. I, as usual, tanned for a bit before heading into the water; there's nothing like cooling down in those ocean waves. Later that evening we drove to Pier Park for some yummy Italian ice, which is the perfect treat after a long day at the beach. To top it off, we took a relaxing ride on a vintage-style Ferris wheel, where we were able to see all of PCB! The next day we went to an undeveloped island owned by the Florida State Parks, Shell Island, to go snorkeling. If you haven't gone snorkeling, you should do so as soon as possible. I am so glad we did it! It was like diving into an aquarium, where we could watch and even touch the little schools of fishes. Maybe next time we will try to go scuba diving! We wrapped up the day by eating tons and tons of seafood, specifically platters of blackened shrimp.

On Saturday, we once again hit the beach. I just love sitting on the soft sand while reading my magazines, soaking up sunshine, and listening to the crashing waves. It was such a relaxing day. That night we drove around town and took some pictures, like tourists tend to do. Afterwards, my dad took us to a fancy restaurant with a stunning beach-front view, all while the sun was setting. We, again, enjoyed our huge plates of delicious seafood. Let me tell you, I have never eaten so much seafood in my life from blackened shrimp to grilled fish. The last full day of our beach vacation had come to an end, though not before we all went out for a few awesome laps of go-kart riding! It featured two spiraled, wooded tower tacks that really added an old school feel to the experience! The final morning, right before the nasty storm came rolling in, Brian and I went to take some final picture; we even took time to have breakfast on the beach. I'm going to miss those waves and sands, but hopefully it won't be long until next time! Overall, I couldn't ask for a better vacation.